2 Beileidsbekundungen “Wolfgang Krutz

  1. Cáit Kinsella sagt:

    Liebe Helga und Familie,
    Ich denke an euch in diese schwierige Zeit. Dieser Gedicht über trauern im Winter ist eines der schönsten, die ich kenne. I hope it brings a moment of peace when reading it.
    Cáit ( Silkes irische Freundin in Köln)


    Let the rest
    in this rested place
    rest for you.

    Let the birds sing
    and the geese call
    and the sky race
    from west to east
    when you cannot raise
    a wing to fly.

    Let evening
    trace your loss
    in the stonework
    of a fading sky.

    So that
    you can give up
    and give in
    and be given back to,

    so that you can let
    come and live
    fully inside you,

    so that
    you can
    the loving path
    of heartbreak
    that brought you here.

    So you can cry alone
    and be alone
    so you can let
    yourself alone
    to be lost,

    so you can
    let the one
    you have lost

    so that
    you can let
    the one
    you have lost
    have their
    own life
    and even
    their own
    without you.

    So the world
    and everyone
    who has ever lived
    and ever died
    can come and go
    as they please.

    So you can
    let yourself
    not know, what
    not knowing

    So that
    you can be
    even more generous
    in your letting go
    than they
    in their leaving.

    So that you can
    let winter
    be winter.

    So that you can let
    the world alone
    to think of spring.

    THE BELL AND THE BLACKBIRD Poetry by David Whyte
    APRIL 2018 © David Whyte and Many Rivers Press

  2. Alina, Alim und Linden sagt:

    Liebe Familie Krutz, Liebe Familie Weiland,
    unser herzliches Beileid. Wir denken an euch aus Schottland und wünschen alles Liebe in dieser schwierigen Zeit,
    Alina, Alim und Linden

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